Where single moms get inspired, loved, and encouraged


Why we're here

Our mission to support single-moms is rooted in a biblical calling, aiming to offer a supportive community and faith-filled resources to single moms. We recognize the need for this type of support and feel strongly about breaking through the cultural stigma, discrimination and spiritual strongholds more than 258 million women around the world are facing.

As followers of Christ, we are called to provide care and recognition to those in need, as outlined in 1 Timothy 5: “Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need.” The National Christian Foundation expands the concept of a widow to include women who face hardships such as divorce, abandonment, imprisonment of a partner, or rejection by family due to their faith.

Regardless of your circumstance, we are here to ensure women and their children are loved, encouraged and inspired to live out a Christ-centered life.


Who We Are

SMILE Ministries is a Christian-based support group for single moms who understand the unique challenges you face. Our mission is to offer a safe and welcoming space for single mothers and their children, providing the support and community often missing when a spouse or family is not present.

We celebrate a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences, fostering an inclusive environment where you can connect and grow. SMILE ministries offers various resources, including healing and recovery support, discipleship and counseling, financial advice, career development, and networking opportunities.

Our team consists of women who have walked the path of single motherhood themselves. We deeply understand your journey and are here to offer the ongoing support and fellowship you need.

SMILE Ministries will be a consistent and constant resource for the ones in the battle. We will come around you, love you and your children, encourage you, and inspire you in the midst of your circumstances.

When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up-one on one side, one on the other-so that his hands remained steady till sunset. Exodus 17:12


 As the Word of God encourages us to do, we will be with you in your afflictions, to help you remain under His wings, unstained, set apart, dedicated to the lover of your soul and your children's souls.

 Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

You Are Enough, He is Enough!

At SMILE Ministries we believe God took what the enemy meant for evil and turned it for good - that he made beauty from ashes. We believe our identity is in Christ not our status as a single mom. Yes, we are mothers, but we are first children of God the Father. Although we carry heavy burdens, face adversity, and spiritual battles we are not defined by our circumstances. As we pour out to unto our children we want to provide a community and wise counsel who is there to pour into you.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalms 139:14

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

Our Programs

Join our community of single moms who have found a place of refuge with their sisters under the shadow of His wings.


  • Small groups

  • Family dinners

  • Play dates

  • Coffee chats

  • Weekly Prayer calls

  • Field trips/events


  • Support groups

  • Discipleship/Coaching

  • Bible studies

  • Biblical teachings:

    • Financial stewardship

    • Family dynamics

    • Personal counsel

    • External resources


  • Check-ins/home visits

  • Meal trains

  • Prayer text chain

  • Help getting organized/clean

  • Childcare network

  • Legal resources

  • Deliverance/Yielding

  • Recovery/Post-recovery programs

  • Career development, networking, resume development

Frequently Asked Questions

I have 5 children, can I still sign up?

Yes, absolutely.

I'm separated, not divorced, can I still sign up?

Yes, we do not discriminate, as long as you are a single mom

I live on the West Coast, can I still sign up?

Absolutely. You participate in the bible studies on line at least, and maybe some day visit or start your own SMILE group where you live.

I don't have time for this, but I really need it. Can you help?

Fill up a contact form and we will call you to discuss how we can work with your schedule.

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